Kareli Vine

My Writing Process

Creativity and therapy converge in the writing process..

Writing is helpful for:

  • increasing self-awareness
  • identifying areas of concern
  • encouraging expression of emotion
  • clarifying issues

It is important that you have a safe place both to write and to keep your journal so that you can let yourself write freely.

Ways of writing:

  • Stream of consciousness: letting the words flow as they will without editing.
  • Letter writing: sometimes it’s easier to write than speak face to face.
  • Dialogue: when different parts of yourself seem to be at odds with each other.
  • Dream processing: what is your dream trying to tell you?
  • Cathartic writing: when deeper emotions need validation.
  • Morning Pages’: writing each morning as part of a writing routine.

Writing and art go hand and hand, one influencing and informing the other.

Creative writing courses

I am currently studying how to become a creative writer.

These are courses that I have found helpful:

‘Writing and art go hand and hand, one influencing and informing the other’